Welcome to the official website of the MIAAA!
The mission of the Missouri Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association is to take a leadership role in athletic issues to enhance the educational process for student athletes.
2025 Nomination Procedure For the President-Elect Position
- The notice of position vacancy will be announced to the membership by January 15 of the election year. The announcement will be posted on the MIAAA website and the MIAAA electronic newsletter.
- This notice may be supplemented with local correspondence by the District Representatives
- Any applicant must forward a one-page resume to their District Representative for their endorsement by February 1 of the election year
- All nominations must be forwarded to the Past President by February15 of the election year for preparation of the ballot
- District Representatives may caucus if more than one nomination is made to determine whether to nominate more than one candidate
Thank You - Daktronics
Daktonics joined the MIAAA as a Platinum Partner for the 2023-24 school year - part of this was an outreach to support our Athletic Administrators with getting your scoreboard and gym in good working order. You can download the PowerPoint and Zoom call from these hyperlinks. Thank you, Daktronics.
Looking to Become A CAA??
Are you interested in becoming a CAA? Are you close to being able to sit for the exam? Make sure you check out this information which containts step by step instructions. Information can be found at NIAAA CAA CERTIFICATION INFO
Wanting to take the next step and become a CMAA??
Here is a one page sheet to assist you with the process: NIAAA CMAA CERTIFICATION INFO
The MIAAA Wants to Publish You
Opinion: How Being an Athletic Director's Kid Shaped My Life
Mike McGurk - Building Better Leaders - Mike McGurk, published both locally and nationally discusses the need and how to Build Better Leaders and how to help Athletes Transition from Middle School to High School.
Mike Ellson, CMAA, Christ Presbyterian Academy in Tennessee, wrote a great article on the Quality Program Assessment and detailed descriptions on how to guide your school through the process. Filling the Buckets- Pursuing Excellence Through the QPA.
Our new website, developed by BigTeams & Schedule Star, is designed to be able to post information quicker and easier than ever before with a new, dynamic layout. Athletic Directors across the state will have better access to MIAAA news & updates, documents, general information and more. Be sure to check out 2 new sections of our site which member ADs can post coach job openings and "open dates" that are looking to be filled.